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"Your training blueprint to take your athleticism to the next level"


The ASAP Training System (ATS) is an individualised training system designed to help athletes prepare for the physical demands of their sport. This system builds robust athletes through targeting the specific strength qualities used in sports to elevate athleticism, mitigate risk of injury and build athlete confidence.

Unlike most training systems, the ATS is a 'one-stop shop' for athlete development. Click on the categories below to read our philosophy on developing each training quality.


ANYONE can do a sprint drill.

ANYONE can run with a sled.

But NOT EVERYONE can teach speed.


A major problem I see with a lot of “speed training” these days is that coaches think that by throwing sprint drills at athletes and making them run a lot is going to make their athletes faster. This might work for beginners, but not so much for elite athletes. Speed training is LESS about making someone run fast, but MORE about providing them the opportunity to run fast.


If you believe “speed is king” you can learn from the best with ASAP Training. 


You are NOT a powerlifter that chases numbers.

You are also NOT a bodybuilder that trains for aesthetics.


While we plan to get you incredibly strong and in peak physical shape, at ASAP we believe that STRENGTH IS CONTEXTUAL and needs to be tailored to your athletic needs. For team sport athletes that sprint, jump and change direction, strength training must be tailored to developing the key qualities that support these high speed movements. For athletes that compete in continuous or endurance based sports, your bodies need to be conditioned to endure competition and handle the high volumes of training week to week. Whatever your performance goals are, our strength systems at ASAP can help you.


A major piece that a lot of athlete programs MISUSE, UNDER-UTILISE or completely NEGLECT are jumps and plyometrics.


While many misuse their application a lot of coaches assume that because they don’t jump in competition, jumps and plyometrics are not valid tool for their preparation as an athlete.


This is absolutely WRONG.


If you are an athlete of any kind, soccer, endurance runner, swimming, golf - jumping is a prerequisite skill and an extremely potent stimuli for athletic movement. In the ASAP Training System we use a variety of jumps and plyometrics throughout the training program so athletes are always feeling quick off the ground, explosive on every movement and physically prepared for competition.


Injury prevention is not balancing on swiss balls, doing bird dogs or endless reps of banded work. Injury prevention is a FRAMEWORK that starts with understanding who YOU are as an athlete, what the demands of YOUR SPORT are and then optimizing your training loads and recovery to balance the simple equation of:




When we can balance this equation, we put ourselves in the best opportunity to perform and minimise risk of injury. At ASAP Training athlete health is our highest priority. This doesn’t mean we won’t get you lightning quick, incredibly strong or help you jump out the gym, but we implement strategies and systems to maximise your fitness and minimise your fatigue in order to get the performance results you need

This service is currently only offered to athletes in South East Queensland. 
Continue reading for how it all works.


Your training should not be given the 'one size fits all' treatment.


Start your athlete journey the right way by using our Performance Testing protocols that analyse your speed, strength and power over a variety of sporting movements. Identifying your physical strengths and limitations are critical initial steps to designing a comprehensive training program that meets your needs. 

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A major mistake a lot of athletes do not do is plan their training - Not just over the course of a week, but over months to years.


Being a successful athlete is not easy and requires more than just dedication and hard work, but a well thought out system in relation to ones goals and expectations. Review your Performance Testing results and map out your road to success with your coach. This is to ensure your training program is targeting the things you need to work on by structuring it in a way that optimises training results and best suits your schedule as an athlete.


Let's get to work.


Now that we've got a better idea of what you need and how it will be structured, we can start training. As an ATS athlete, you will have exclusive access to the ASAP training schedule where you can book and attend unlimited field or strength coaching sessions. Under the expertise and guidance of our coaches you can be sure that your training will be executed correctly, efficiently and safely.

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Before we go any further, there's something I need to say ...


1. we're not for athletes WHO WANT a quick and easy fix

At ASAP Training, our goal isn't to get you kinda fast or feeling just a little bit more stronger - it's to get you in the best possible shape next time you compete.

Preparing to compete in high level sports is an incredibly tough feat to do, and because of that it's not gonna take one or two sessions, let alone one or two weeks.

If you're an athlete that is willing to put in the work to achieve incredible results
, the ATS is for you.

2. we do not guarantee results

Nothing in life is guaranteed.

While training gurus will try to sell you these magic beans (eg. guarantees, quick fixes), we won't and never will.

hat we can almost guarantee is that if you approach this training system -  a system delivered by expert coaches, backed by science and training methodologies used by the best athletes in the world - with the proper mindset, commitment and dedication, it will deliver results.

3. we're NOT FOR ATHLETES with a mediocre mindset

High performance sport requires a high performance mindset. 

This is not for athletes who make excuses and aren't willing to make sacrifices

This is not for athletes who want to skip training because they want to have drinks with their mates.

This is not for athletes who quit when things start to get slightly uncomfortable.

This is not for athletes who stay up late scrolling for hours on social media when they should be getting the rest and recovery they need.

This not for people who are comfortable with their current athleticism and scared of change. 

If you are an athlete that is willing to explore new heights, truly commit to the training process, and compete at their highest abilities - the ATS is for you.

4. we're not cheap

When was the last time you received free training or paid a convenient price and it got you incredibly fast, powerful and strong at the same time.


At ASAP Training we believe in providing value to our athletes.

Yes - we are more expensive. But unlike other general training services (commercial gyms and fitness classes),  that deliver general results (hypertrophy, strength, cardiovascular fitness), at ASAP Training we provide high performance expertise that can help you feel as fast as Usain Bolt, jump like Michael Jordan, slash like Messi or stay as durable as Lebron.

If you're content with copying exercises from IG videos, making up sessions based on feel, fumbling through your training with no guidance - don't expect to come back any faster, any stronger or more explosive in the long term.

If you're willing to back yourself by investing in a training system delivered by expert coaches and become most explosive athlete you've ever been - the ATS is for you.



IF NOT WE'll give 100% of your
money back GUARANTEED

12 month pack

"FOR ATHLETEs that are all-in"

per week

Group Sessions 

12 x Performance Testing & Consult

Speed & S
trength Programming
VALUE $10,400

Speed & Strength Coaching

Vertical Jump Training

UNLIMITED Program Revis

ASAP Recover
Me Tracker

Access to ASAP Training Schedule

3 month pack

"your OFF-SEASON blueprint"

per week

2 x 1 on 1
Priority Sessions p/week
VALUE $300

4 x Performance Testing & Consult
VALUE $120

Speed & Strength
VALUE $2400

Speed & Strength Coaching

Vertical Jump Training

ASAP Recover
Me Tracker

UNLIMITED Program Revisions

Access to ASAP Training Schedule

WanT to

checkout out our instagram

if you have an questions or queries, we'd love to hear from you. please Send us a message through the "let's chat" function or on instagram.

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