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Let me tell you a story of a little boy.

A boy who loved to compete from a young age. Whether it was trying to get a win at his Saturday morning under 8's game or racing his older brothers to the kitchen pantry to get the 'good' cereal. 
From kid to a young man, he had the talent, the drive to be great and aspirations to make it big.


Despite his talent and drive, he wasn't blessed with amazing strength, running speed or jumping ability. He was a good athlete, but not a great one and as the realm of sports world treat the 'average' his sporting dreams to compete at the highest remained just that.


If you haven't guessed it by now, that boy was me. A boy with all the talent in the world but lacked the proper guidance, expertise and resources to even give him a proper chance.



But why am I telling you this?  Because it's a story that I'm sure a lot of athletes resonate with. I know the frustration of being on the training grind and still coming out mediocre. I understand what it's like to buy a 'sports specific' training program and be utterly disappointed with the results. I also know the pain every time I ask myself 'if only I had better training'. 


Fortunately, with ASAP Training this doesn't have to be you. 


ASAP Training was created because there is a problem needs to be solved. Far too many athletes are not even given a chance to compete. Not because of a lack of talent, but simply because of a lack of physical preparation. Whether it's dealing with injuries or a lack of athleticism, it was their physical preparation that was the thing that was holding them back.


At ASAP Training we are dedicated to giving athletes a real chance. We are devoted to helping athletes achieve their sporting dreams. We are committed to providing athletes with the best opportunity to physically prepare themselves for the sports they love to compete in.​ 


We believe that if you want to move like an athlete, you need to train like one. If you want to be able to express strength, speed and power in your sport, your training goals, methods and systems must reflect that. 


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